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authentic jolly roger flag - Misc Flags - Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) - EASYFLAGS.CO.UK
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Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

Jolly Roger pirate flag photo cloth linen sewn image vintage old

Authentic Jolly Roger Flag, natural 100% linen cloth

We are happy to introduce our special range of authentic Jolly Roger pirate flags used in 17th and 18th century on British privateers and outlaw vessels. We have endeavoured to recreate the closest possible design by referring to 'General History of the Pyrates' written by Charles Johnson, various old engravings showing the life of pirates and 17-18th century depictions of the symbol of death. It is very likely the latter was the first hand inspiration for making the very flag.    

Currently we offer Jolly Roger's flag in three designs. The first two were possibly used by Captain Edward Teach AKA Blackbeard, Stede Bonnet and other infamous pirates. The third flag is a generic depiction of death's head as found on many middle age tombstones.    

Flags come in two qualitative fabrics: UK manufactured MoD approved woven flag material specially intended for harsh weather environments. MoD approved woven flag fabric has a pleasant natural wool like appearance and is one of the most durable materials available today for flags making.

For decorative use we offer 100% natural linen cloth fabric. Flags made of linen cloth can be occasionally flown outdoors in dry moderately windy weather. However, they are mostly intended for decorative use due to vintage look.

Buy with confidence directly from experienced flag-manufacturer for the best price online.

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Image Size Price  
18x12in 46x31cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 18x12in 46x31cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

21x18in 53x46cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 21x18in 53x46cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

24x18in 61x46cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 24x18in 61x46cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

30x24in 76x61cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 30x24in 76x61cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

1yd 36x18in 91x45cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 1yd 36x18in 91x45cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

3x2ft 36x24in 91x61cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 3x2ft 36x24in 91x61cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

100x66cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 100x66cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

1.25yd 45x22.5in 114x57cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 1.25yd 45x22.5in 114x57cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

1.5yd 54x27.5in 137x68 cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 1.5yd 54x27.5in 137x68 cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

5x3ft 60x36in 152x91cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 5x3ft 60x36in 152x91cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

2yd 72x36in 183x91cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 2yd 72x36in 183x91cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

150x100cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 150x100cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

6x4ft 183x122cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 6x4ft 183x122cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

200x133cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 200x133cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

2.5yd 90x45in 225x112cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 2.5yd 90x45in 225x112cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

217x145cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 217x145cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

3yd 108x54in 274x137cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth) 3yd 108x54in 274x137cm Authentic Jolly Roger (linen cloth)

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