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Sewn 3 yard yd Union Jack Flag - British Flags - Union Jack (Knitted Polyester) - 3yd 108x54in 274x137cm Union Jack - EASYFLAGS.CO.UK
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Location: Shortcut to Homepage /British Flags/Union Jack (Knitted Polyester)/3yd 108x54in 274x137cm Union Jack

3yd 108x54in 274x137cm Union Jack

3yd 108x54in 274x137cm Union Jack

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Product Information

Quality sewn Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Size: 3 yards; 108x54 inches; 274x137 centimeters.

Our British knitted polyester flags by default are supplied with the following flag fixture types: traditional UK rope & togglerope loopssleeveshiny metal eyelets (grommets). Every flag where applicable has double layered corners for extra durability

Flags made of nautical grade polyester can be safely used in harsh weather conditions on boats and sport yachts. However, special care taken is the best guarantee for the sewn flag to serve a long time. Do not expose flag to continuous windy weather; take it down during night and upon spotting first signs of tear and wear, send the flag back to us for a free repair works (P&P charges are paid by customer). Although Knitted polyester flags are machine washable at 40C, we do not recommend tumble or hot drying them. Stitched polyester flags can be ironed straight on in middle temperature.    

  Please pay special attention when choosing the right flag fixture in the product optios below:

UK rope & toggle British flag fixturerope loops sewn flag fixturesleeve hole sewn flag fixturemetal eyelets sewn flag fixture

Price: £81.00

Product Options:
Flag Fixture Type

Product Code: 25O62234
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